Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lamp Oil Source

Matthew 25:1 "And then, at that day, before the Son of Man comes,..."

JST We receive the PREPAREDNESS ESSENTIALS catalog every month. It is a good source for extended food storage items from dehydrated or freeze-dried Apples to Zucchini and offers low-cost shipping.They offer a quanity discount every month on a different item making it reasonable to try a new product like freeze-dried cheeses, fruits and vegetables or to stock up on necessities like this month's 49% discount on leather gloves (think service project!)

They have a wide variety of backpack emergency kits, first aid items, water purification supplies, etc. These are really pricey but the pages are very detailed and can be a great guide for putting together your own car kit, school kit, new baby kit, elderly parent kit, evacuation kitor a baseline for reviewing your current 72-hour kit. This isn't an endorsement of their products, just another source of oil to add to your lamp. Or, information to add to your Home Production, FoodStorageand Preparedness file that you already maintain or may be starting"today".Check them out at: or 1-800-999-1863 M - F 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or preparednesspantry. blogspot. com . Thank you!

Jennie D.

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