Monday, March 22, 2010

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

There is so much talk going on about our financial crisis, and what we can do. We are so blessed to have Prophets and inspired Church leaders that have been urging us for over 60 years, to be prepared, to set aside a year's supply of food and to have water. So many struggle to heed this wise council, and so they are encouraging us in an all out effort to do all in our power, without going into debt, to secure a 3 month supply of foods we regularly eat, and some water in case of natural or other personal disasters. In May 2004, Elder Dallin Oaks gave a talk entitled "Preparation for the Second Coming"; I encourage you to read and ponder his reminder to all of us to prepare both spiritually and with our food storage.

So, consider a trip to the storehouse, to acquire rice, or oats,or refried beans at a very inexpensive price..and incorporate them into your diet. If not that, try buying one extra can of food and put it in a box that you will eventually fill with a month's supply of food that you eat all the time. How exciting it will be as you see your preparations grow, and your peace of mind along with it!

God bless you in your efforts to Follow the Prophet, and look with an eye of faith to the Coming of our Lord.

~Sister Lori A. (Assistant Food Storage Specialist)

P.S. Jennie and I are very eager to assist you in any way we can.

Dresser available for Sale

Hi all!

We have a simple solid wood pine dresser- three drawers high and two drawer wide- that we need gone...
Asking $25 for it. It is in great condition- one small handle is chipped.

Debra S.

Book Club this Thursday night, 8:30 at Amy's

Book Club this Thursday night, 8:30 at Amy Hall's. We'll be discussing
the book, "In the Time of the Butterflies" , by I forget who because I
already returned the book, but its based on historical events in the
Dominican Republic, centered around a real family whose daughters fought
for reform during their revolution. Wonderful story!

John Hall has promised to make us some authentic Dominican Republic food,
so you wont want to miss this one!
