Sunday, September 27, 2009

Are You Covered? Child Care Available


I just wanted to let everyone know that I am starting a new in home child care business and am looking for children to watch full or part time. I have a B.S. Degree in Human Development and great medical and CPR background. Let your friends know too.

Contact me if you know anyone or you are looking for some help. Thanks Johanna

Please contact Kirsi via her e-mail for Johanna's phone number!


Respect and Reverence

Margaret S. Lifferth First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency
Margaret S. Lifferth, “Respect and Reverence,” Ensign, May 2009, 11–13

We must … cultivate in our homes and classrooms respect for each other and
reverence for God.
The last chapter of John tells of an especially tender exchange between Peter and the resurrected
Christ. Three times the Savior asks, “Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?” And each time, when
Peter assures the Savior of his love, Jesus “saith unto him, Feed my lambs. … Feed my sheep.”1
There is great need in today’s world to nourish the souls of our children and youth with “living
water”2 and the “bread of life.”3 Like Peter, we too love the Lord, so today’s parents and leaders
work diligently to instill in each heart a testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel. We teach in our
homes, in missionary settings, and in the chapels and classrooms of our churches. We prepare and
invite the Spirit to be with us. But to truly be able to feed His lambs and nourish His sheep with
testimony and the Spirit, we must also cultivate in our homes and classrooms respect for each other
and reverence for God.
My appeal today is to parents, teachers, and leaders to work together to teach, exemplify, and
encourage the standards of respect and reverence that will strengthen our children and youth and
invite the spirit of worship into our homes and chapels.
May I suggest that our ability and our credibility to exemplify reverence for God is strengthened as
we show respect for each other. In today’s society, the standards of decorum, dignity, and courtesy
are assailed on every side and in every form of media. As parents and leaders, our examples of
respect for each other are critical for our youth and children because they are watching not only the
media—they are watching us! Are we the examples we need to be?
Ask yourself these questions: Am I an example of respect in my home by the way I treat those I love
the most? What is my demeanor during a sports event? If my child has a disagreement with a
teacher, coach, or peer, do I listen to both sides of the issue? Do I show respect for the property of
others as well as take care of my own? How do I respond to others with whom I disagree in matters
of religion, lifestyle, or politics?
As parents and leaders exemplify and teach respect for others, we confirm in the hearts of our
children that each of us is truly a child of God and all are brothers and sisters through eternity. We
will focus on the things we have in common—on the qualities of heart that bind the family of God
together, rather than on our differences. - Ensign Article - Respect and Reverence Page 1 of 3 9/24/2009
Respect for others and reverence for God are close cousins. They are rooted in humility and love.
President David O. McKay said that “reverence is profound respect mingled with love,”4 and Elder L.
Tom Perry taught that “reverence flows from our admiration and respect for Deity.”5 Primary children
learn this concept as they sing this verse from a Primary song:
Rev’rence is more than just quietly sitting:
It’s thinking of Father above,
A feeling I get when I think of his blessings.
I’m rev’rent, for rev’rence is love.6
However, reverent behavior is not a natural tendency for most children. It is a quality that is taught
by parents and leaders through example and training. But remember, if reverence is rooted in love,
so is the teaching of it. Harshness in our training begets resentment, not reverence. So begin early
and have reasonable expectations. A toddler can learn to fold his arms and get ready for prayer. But
it takes time, patience, and consistency. Remember that we are not only teaching a child his first
lessons in reverence, but the child may be mastering his first attempts at self-discipline.
This process of teaching and self-discipline continues line upon line and precept upon precept. Thus
a child learns to be reverent during prayers and the sacrament. He sits by his parents during the
meeting. Then he grows in lessons of self-discipline as later he learns to fast, to obey the Word of
Wisdom, to make good Internet choices, and to keep the law of chastity. We each grow in ability as
well as understanding. We bless our children and youth as we exemplify, teach, and encourage
them through this process because self-mastery is not only the root of self-respect, it is essential in
inviting the Spirit to teach, confirm, and testify.
I remember a talk that President Boyd K. Packer gave in conference almost 20 years ago entitled
“Reverence Invites Revelation.”7 That phrase has remained in my heart all these years. It reminds
me that we must create in our hearts, our homes, and our meetings places of reverence that will
invite the Spirit to comfort, guide, teach, and testify. Because when the Spirit testifies to each of us
that God is our Father and Jesus Christ is our Savior, it is that revelation that will invite true
reverence born of love and profound respect.
So, as parents and leaders, what can we do? We can exemplify reverence as we pray humbly, use
the proper language of prayer, and speak the names of Deity appropriately. We can handle the
scriptures with respect and teach doctrine from them with conviction.
Reverence will increase as we show proper respect not only for the General Authorities but for local
priesthood and auxiliary leaders as well. My stake president has been a dear friend for over 30
years, and as friends, we have always called each other by our first names. But because he serves
in a calling of priesthood leadership—in public and certainly in a Church setting—I make a conscious
effort to refer to him as President Porter. Teaching our children and youth that it is appropriate to
address our leaders as president, bishop, brother, and sister encourages respect and reverence. It
also teaches the truth that leaders are called of God and have been given sacred responsibilities.
As parents and leaders, we must set the example of reverent behavior in our Church meetings. Our
chapels provide places for many different functions, but on Sunday they are places of worship. We
gather to renew covenants that will heal our souls. We come to learn doctrine and strengthen
testimony. Missionaries bring their investigators. Only in an attitude of reverence can the Spirit
confirm the truths of the gospel through the word of God, music, testimony, and prayer.
We are a friendly people and we love each other, but reverence will increase if our socializing is
done in the foyer and if sacrament meeting begins with the prelude music, not the opening prayer.
We encourage reverence when we take a crying child out of the chapel and find another room where
we continue to listen to the meeting until the baby is calmed or a disruptive toddler is soothed.
Reverence includes turning off our cell phones and BlackBerry devices. Texting or reading e-mails in
a Church meeting is not only irreverent, it is distracting and signals a lack of respect for those around
us. So we exemplify reverence by participating in the meeting, listening to the speakers, and singing
the hymns of Zion together.
Our teachers in Primary, Sunday School, and the youth programs have unique opportunities to teach
and exemplify respect and reverence. May I offer a few ideas. - Ensign Article - Respect and Reverence Page 2 of 3 9/24/2009
First of all, love those in your class. Often the child who is the most disruptive needs your love the
Take the time to explain what reverence is and why it is important. Display a picture of the Savior.
Define behavior that is acceptable, and then be loving and consistent as you not only encourage it
but expect it.
Be prepared. Prepare not only the material, but prepare yourself to teach with the Spirit. Many
problems with reverence can be defused with a well-prepared lesson in which the students
Talk with parents of children who have disabilities to determine a reasonable expectation for their
child because every child deserves a chance to progress.
Use the resources of the ward to help. Often if there is a reverence problem with children or youth,
there is a reverence problem in the ward. Take concerns to the ward council, where ward leaders
can work together to increase respect and reverence on every level.8
Years ago President Packer promised the Lord’s blessings to those who worship in reverence.
Surely those promises apply today: “While we may not see an immediate, miraculous
transformation, as surely as the Lord lives, a quiet one will take place. The spiritual power in the lives
of each member and in the Church will increase. The Lord will pour out his Spirit upon us more
abundantly. We will be less troubled, less confused. We will find revealed answers to personal and
family problems.”9
I believe the promises of a prophet. I know that I have a loving Heavenly Father and that His Son,
Jesus Christ, is my Savior. I pray that our increased reverence will reflect our deepest love for Them
and improve our quest to feed Their sheep in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
1. John 21:15–17.
2. See John 4:10–14.
3. John 6:48.
4. David O. McKay, in Conference Report, Apr. 1967, 86.
5. L. Tom Perry, “Serve God Acceptably with Reverence and Godly Fear,” Ensign, Nov. 1990, 70.
6. “Reverence Is Love,” Children’s Songbook, 31.
7. See Boyd K. Packer, “Reverence Invites Revelation,” Ensign, Nov. 1991, 21–23.
8. See Teaching, No Greater Call (1999), 79–87.
9. Ensign, Nov. 1991, 23.
E-mail to a Friend
Official Web site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
© 2009 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. - Ensign Article - Respect and Reverence Page 3 of 3 9/24/2009


An open house of the new Chillicothe building has been scheduled from
3-6PM on Sunday Oct 11th. The dedication will be held Oct 18th in a
sacrament meeting from 11:50-1:00PM (meetings reversed on that day with
priesthood RS at 10AM). Members of other units who have a historical or
present connection to Chillicothe are welcome to attend.

Dry Pack Order for October 10

Today was the day to turn in your preliminary dry pack order if you plan
to participate in our Dry Pack Session on October 10th. I won't be at
Church today due to illness, but still need your preliminary order ASAP.

Hopefully you'll see Steve and can give it to him. If not, you can just
e-mail me a summary of your order, you don't have to attach the form.

Bring your final order form (and cash or a checkbook to pay for your food
order) to the Bishops Storehouse on October 10th. See you there
at 8:30 a.m. sharp!

Thanks a bunch,


If you signed up for the Pear Canning Demo, do not despair, the
opportunity has been revived and revised! We were planning to donate our
pears for the demo, but they "cooked" on the tree in the hot September
sun and ripened to quickly to can.

Kathy S. ( a Proverbs 31 woman) is planning to purchase pears to can for
her family early this week! Call her today to confirm the date, time and
exciting details if you would like to participate
in and observe the process!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Can Be a Difficult Diagnosis

This information is from Everyday Health-Women's Health section. Here is a direct link to it
or you can read the cut and pasted article here.

"Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Difficult Diagnosis"

"Learn some of the common methods used to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis.
By HealthTalk Staff
Medically reviewed by Ed Zimney, MD

Rheumatoid arthritis can be very difficult to diagnose in its early stages, as there is no single test to detect it. Symptoms vary from person to person and can mimic those of other joint conditions. As a result, health care providers use several methods and tools to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis.
Medical history: The doctor will ask a patient to describe his or her symptoms, as well as when and how they began. How symptoms such as pain, stiffness, and swelling change over time is especially important to making an accurate diagnosis. In general, a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis cannot be made unless the symptoms have been present for at least six weeks.
Physical examination: The doctor will examine joints, muscle strength, skin, and reflexes.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis: Laboratory Tests Several laboratory tests are used to diagnose RA:
Rheumatoid factor: If, after reviewing the medical history and performing the examination, the doctor suspects a person has rheumatoid arthritis, he or she may order a blood test to look for the presence of rheumatoid factor, or RF. Rheumatoid factor is a protein made by the immune system. It eventually appears in the blood of about 80 percent of rheumatoid arthritis patients. When it is positive, the amount of RF present in the blood may help the doctor predict the potential severity of and complications from the rheumatoid arthritis.
However, a positive test does not mean a patient has RA, and, likewise, a negative test does not mean a patient does not have RA. The significance of RF results needs to be evaluated on an individual basis and discussed with a patient's personal physician. Test results are reported as numerical values. Since positive and negative ranges vary by age, sex, and the kind of test used, it's best to discuss results with a doctor. Levels of rheumatoid factor can vary with the severity of symptoms and inflammation. RF may not be present at all when the disease is in its earliest stages. So, if an RF test is negative and the patient continues to show signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, the doctor may suggest repeating the test.
ESR and CRP: Once rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed, doctors may also order blood tests such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) or C-reactive protein (CRP). ESR and CRP tests detect inflammation in the body and help monitor the progress of the disease and responses to therapies.
CBC: In some cases, doctors may order a CBC (complete blood count). This test will check for anemia, since it is not unusual for RA patients to develop this condition. Additionally, it will check the white blood cell count, which may be abnormal in RA patients.
X-rays: Doctors use X-rays and other imaging techniques such as MRI, to see the amount of damage to joints. Usually, the early joint damage in RA is not visible on X-rays, so they will appear normal. Therefore, X-rays often are not helpful in initial diagnosis. However, these early X-rays can be used later to follow the progression of the disease and response to therapies.
Last Updated: 02/12/2008
This section created and produced exclusively by the editorial staff of HealthTalk. © 2009; all rights reserved. "
Articles in Diagnosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Difficult Diagnosis
How to Detect Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis
The Role of the Rheumatologist
Rheumatoid Arthritis from Head to Toe
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Testing for Rheumatoid Factor
Here is a link to a blog that might be helpful for someone.

EMPLOYMENT - Operations Manager at Boehringer Ingelheim Roxane Laboratories

I have a contact in process of hiring an Operations Manager at Boehringer Ingelheim Roxane Laboratories, a pharmaceutical company in central Ohio. Great company with lots of room to grow both domestically and internationally.
Attached is a high level overview of the role. If you know anyone that may fit the bill, please encourage them to apply online and send their resume as well to Kimberly Kellerman, Director, Organizational Flow ( ).

Why is the task being performed?
How is the task being performed?
What are the tasks being performed?

Establish and maintain systems to measure and monitor relevant Physical Flow production performance parameters. Create an environment that results in continuous improvement of the same.
· Achieve established performance objectives, meet customer requirements and promote an attitude and accomplishment of zero defects, including those relating to process, customer, finance, lead and learn.
· Recommend Key Performance Indicator goals.
Safety (OSHA Rate, Training) Customer Service (Adherence, Production Service Level, Operational Productivity, Overall Production Productivity, Changeover reduction) Quality Service Level (Notice of Investigations and Rejects, Right First Time), Thru Put Time, Yield, Performance Center KPI’s

· Support effective interpersonal relationships and team performance.
· Effectively Communicate Key Performance goals / expectations to staff.
· Foster positive teamwork to achieve KPIs through self-directed work cells.
· Lead, motivate and inspire staff to meet Key Performance Indicator goals.
· Support team(s) success.
· Measure team and individual performance.
· Meet cGMP, FDA, DEA, OSHA and other applicable regulatory and company guidelines.
· Participate in cross functional teams.
Ensure the development and maintenance of an environment of open communication, pride in workmanship and participation in performance improvement among all employees to help develop and retain qualified employees to maintain compliance, competitiveness and support for succession planning.
· Fostering Culture of Exchange and employee retention.
· Empower and collaborate with direct reports to identify, recommend, and implement development plans for individuals and teams.
Headcount, Max Planning, Budget (Overtime) management for multiple cost centers, development plans.

· Collaboration between support groups.
· Lead through positive reinforcement to recognize team and individuals.

· Set expectations for team and individuals to effectively communicate, promote positive attitude, and respect between team members by ensuring that teams and individuals have tools and systems in place.

· Drive and sustain 5S.
Effectively work (teach, coach, counsel, mentor and develop) with organizational subordinates toward the objectives of personal growth, enhanced job performance and career satisfaction.
· Performance Management Driven Culture.
· Provide mentorship and ensure the application of the coaching techniques as outlined in the FLS certification program.
Headcount, Max Planning, Department Meetings, Training. Max Planning and review. Feedback from Performance Management Team

· Employee Development
· Participate and adhere to the Performance Management Process.
· Supports First Line Supervision Coaching Culture.
· Empower teams and individuals to proactively recognize and implement action plans personal growth, enhanced job performance, and career satisfaction.
· Lead by Management Learning Culture.
·Identify individuals and team motivational needs.

·Confront potential performance issues by utilizing effective coaching techniques.
Provide short and mid term tactical / strategic technical and organizational leadership that addresses business deficiencies, process improvements, obstacles and opportunities.
· Physical Flow Performance Improvements.
·Recognize and resolve issues preventing teams and individuals from meeting performance goals.
Safety (OSHA Rate, Training) Customer Service (Adherence, Production Service Level, Operational Productivity, Overall Production Productivity, Changeover reduction) Quality Service Level (Notice of Investigations and Rejects, Right First Time), Thru Put Time, Yield, Performance Center KPI’s

·Empower Coaches and individuals to identify, recommend, and implement improvements to increase operational efficiencies, remove obstacles, and create opportunities.
·Seek out technical solutions to improve performance including collaborating with experts in and outside departments.
·Ensure Coaches are implementing improvements through Performance Centers.
· Lead Area Performance Centers.
Development, recommendation and management of Physical Flow capital investment and spending budgets.
· Support of site goals specific to cost and CAPEx
· Support capital investment and spending budgets.
Cost, Project Objectives, Timelines and Budget, Level of preparedness for projects.

· Capacity Planning
· Solicit cost reduction recommendations from teams and individuals.

· Empower individuals and teams to take ownership in managing area spending and reducing cost.
Effectively interact with interdepartmental personnel to establish and actualize systems, policies, procedures of maximum benefit to the company and individuals. Provide effective leadership to assignment projects to ensure site and strategic goals are met, meet schedules, cost targets and improve efficiencies and process reliability.
· Site Goal and Strategic goals.
· Communicate and provide ideas and initiatives.
Project Objectives, Timelines and Budget.

· Site and Project Implementation.
· Support projects that will utilize the required BPE Tools, Project Management skills, Lead and Learn principles to Cross Functional teams, departments and Management.
· Launch support.
· Set and communicate performance expectations of direct reports that ensure flow goals and objectives are achieved.

· Encourage subordinate staff to participate in the development of departmental goals.

· Measure physical flow performance and confront performance gaps as needed.

Free 26" Men's Bike

We got new "old-fashioned" bikes (pedal power/coaster brakes) and have aHuffy Sea Trails men's 26" 3-speed bike and some extra bike tubes for free.First come first serve, you pick it up. Leave a phone message and we'll confirm tomorrow.
Brother D

Thursday, September 3, 2009

This info is taken from Yahoo news. Please read and make any cahnges neccessary towards your and your family's health.

"Is there plastic in your metal water bottle?
By Lori Bongiorno Posted Wed Sep 2, 2009 2:39pm PDT

How safe is your reusable water bottle? That's a question many consumers are asking thanks to a recent announcement from Sigg, the manufacturer of trendy aluminum water bottles.
Some consumers switched to the brightly colored metal bottles in an effort to avoid bisphenol-A (BPA), a chemical that interferes with the female hormone estrogen. The controversial chemical has been linked to a long list of health concerns including early onset of puberty, neurotoxicity, and some cancers.
BPA can leach from polycarbonate plastic bottles when it comes into contact with hot liquids and from regular wear and tear. Parents and other concerned consumers thought they were doing a good thing for their family's health and the planet's by choosing metal over plastic.
However, all metal bottles are not created equally. Aluminum bottles typically have epoxy liners, which may contain BPA and other unwanted chemicals. In the past, Sigg would not reveal the ingredients in its liners, claiming that it was "proprietary."
Now, the company admits that the epoxy liners in its bottles used to contain trace amounts of BPA. Sigg says it switched to a new "EcoCare" liner in August 2008, but angry consumers wonder why the company wasn't upfront about the fact that BPA was in its liners.
Sigg says its old bottles didn't leach any BPA. But, how safe are they? "It is possible that very low levels of BPA will leach from the bottle, especially when something hot or acidic is placed in there," says Sarah Janssen, a staff scientist the Natural Resources Defense Council. "As the bottle ages and the resin begins to break down, there will be more leaching. It's the same process as with any other BPA containing container."
What can you do with old Sigg bottles?
If you own a Sigg bottle, the first thing you should do is check to see if you have an old liner or a new one. Even if you bought it after August 2008, you still may have an older bottle that was shipped to the store before the company made the switch. The former lining has a shiny copper bronze finish. The EcoCare liner has a dull yellow coating.
If you have an old liner, then you can trade in your old bottle for a new one. Sigg's voluntary exchange program is available through October 31, 2009. You can pay to have your bottles shipped back to Sigg, or check to see if a local retailer will take it back.
You'll have to decide for yourself if you want to support a company that wasn't completely transparent in the first place.
There's also no guarantee that Sigg's new epoxy liner is completely safe. “Just because a bottle is labeled ‘BPA-free’ there is no guarantee that another toxic chemical wasn’t used as the replacement,” says Janssen.
What kind of water bottles should you look for?
Stainless steel is your best bet if you're in the market for a new reusable bottle or just want to choose the safest option around. "I would recommend going with a stainless steel bottle and avoiding any questions about what the new chemical is," says Janssen.
In general, all aluminum bottles have epoxy linings and just because Sigg has changed its lining doesn't mean other manufacturers have changed theirs. "Consumers should be wary of buying any aluminum water bottle as many are still made with an epoxy resin lining that contains BPA and can leach significant levels depending on the quality of the product," says Janssen.
Luckily there are plenty of safe choices for consumers. Kleen Kanteen, ThinkSport, and Nalgene all sell stainless steel water bottles that are BPA-free and, most importantly, don't have any liners (so there aren't any potentially dangerous secret ingredients to worry about).
For small children, there's a growing array of "sippy cups" made from stainless steel. They're less expensive than Sigg's Kids Bottles, but pricier (yet more durable) than plastic versions. Learn more about buying safe baby bottles.
Environmental journalist Lori Bongiorno shares green-living tips and product reviews with Yahoo! Green's users. Send Lori a question or suggestion for potential use in a future column. Her book, Green Greener Greenest: A Practical Guide to Making Eco-smart Choices a Part of Your Life is available on Yahoo! Shopping and"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to Find Openings at Cardinal Health

For job opportunities at Cardinal Health, go to and select Careers, then select the box Search for Jobs. Our HR Department does not have a listing, and if I put you in touch with someone, they would send you to this site as well (this is how Cardinal Health employees find openings, also). Hope this helps.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mosquito Mystery

Found this interesting article from Yahoo...maybe it'll be a great stress test for you.:)

"Finding Smells That Repel

If you're one of those people whom mosquitoes tend to favor, maybe it's because you aren't sufficiently stressed-out.
Insects have very keen powers of smell that direct them to their targets. But for researchers trying to figure out what attracts or repels the pests, sorting through the 300 to 400 distinct chemical odors that the human body produces has proved daunting.

Michael C. Witte
Now scientists at Rothamsted Research in the U.K. have been making headway at understanding why some people can end up with dozens of bites after a backyard barbecue, while others remain unscathed. The researchers have identified a handful of the body's chemical odors—some of which may be related to stress—that are present in significantly larger concentrations in people that the bugs are happier to leave alone. If efforts to synthesize these particular chemicals are successful, the result could be an all-natural mosquito repellent that is more effective and safer than products currently available.

"Mosquitoes fly through an aerial soup of chemicals, but can home in on those that draw them to humans," says James Logan, a researcher at Rothamsted, one of the world's oldest agricultural-research institutions. But when the combination of human odors is wrong, he says, "the mosquito fails to recognize this signal as a potential blood meal."

The phenomenon that some people are more prone to mosquito bites than others is well documented. In the 1990s, chemist Ulrich Bernier, now at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service, began looking for what he calls the "magic compounds" that attract mosquitoes. His research helped to show that mosquitoes are attracted to humans by blends of common chemicals such as carbon dioxide, released from the skin and by exhaling, and lactic acid, which is present on the skin, especially when we exercise. But none of the known attractant chemicals explained why mosquitoes preferred some people to others.
Rothamsted's Dr. Logan says the answer isn't to be found in attractant chemicals. He and colleagues observed that everyone produces chemicals that mosquitoes like, but those who are unattractive to mosquitoes produce more of certain chemicals that repel them.
Misguided Mosquitoes

"The repellents were what made the difference," says Dr. Logan, who is interested in the study of how animals communicate using smell. These chemicals may cloud or mask the attractive chemicals, or may disable mosquitoes from being able to detect those attractive odors, he suggests.

Besides delivering annoying bites, mosquitoes cause hundreds of millions of cases of disease each year. As many as 500 million cases of malaria are contracted globally each year, and more than one million people die from it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mosquitoes can also spread West Nile virus, dengue fever, yellow fever and other illnesses.
Currently the most effective repellents on the market often contain a chemical known as DEET, which has been associated in some studies with potential safety concerns, such as cancer and Gulf War syndrome. It also damages materials made of plastic. The federal Environmental Protection Agency has determined that DEET, when used as directed, is safe.

The Rothamsted team set out to get the mosquitoes' viewpoint. The researchers separated human volunteers into two groups—those who were attractive to mosquitoes and those who weren't. They then put each of the volunteers into body-size foil bags for two hours to collect their body odors. Using a machine known as a chromatograph, the scientists were able to separate the chemicals. They then tested each of them to see how the mosquitoes responded. By attaching microelectrodes to the insects' antennae, the researchers could measure the electrical impulses that are generated when mosquitoes recognize a chemical.

Dr. Logan and his team have found only a small number of body chemicals—seven or eight—that were present in significantly different quantities between those people who were attractive to mosquitoes and those who weren't. They then put their findings to the test. For this they used a so-called Y-tube olfactometer that allows mosquitoes to make a choice and fly toward or away from an individual's hand. After applying the chemicals thought to be repellant on the hands of individuals known to be attractive, Dr. Logan found that the bugs either flew in the opposite direction or weren't motivated by the person's smell to fly at all.

The chemicals were then tested to determine their impact on actual biting behavior. Volunteers put their arms in a box containing mosquitoes, one arm coated with repellent chemicals and the other without, to see if the arm without the coating got bitten more.

Significant Repellency
The group's latest paper, published in March in the Journal of Medical Entomology, identified two compounds with "significant repellency." One of the compounds, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, is a skin-derived compound that has the odor of toned-down nail-polish remover, according to George Preti, an organic chemist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, who is involved in a separate line of research into insect-biting behavior. The other, identified in the paper as geranylacetone, has a pleasant odor, though there is some question about whether the chemical is formed by the human biochemical process or is picked up in the environment, Dr. Preti says.

Dr. Logan declined to comment about the specific chemicals because of proprietary concerns. He says the findings have been patented and the group is working with a commercial company to develop the compounds into a usable insect repellent. One issue that still needs to be resolved: how to develop a formulation of the repellent chemicals that will stay on the skin, rather than quickly evaporating as they do naturally. The hope is to get a product to market within a year or two, he says.

Some of the chemicals researchers identified are believed to be related to stress, Dr. Logan says. Previous research has shown that these particular chemicals could be converted from certain other molecules and this could be as a result of oxidation in the body at times of stress, he says. However, it's not clear if the chemicals observed by the Rothamsted researchers were created in this way, and research is continuing to answer this and other questions.

Dr. Logan suggests that mosquitoes may deem hosts that emit more of these chemicals to be diseased or injured and "not a good quality blood meal." Proteins in the blood are necessary for female mosquitoes to produce fertile eggs, and Dr. Logan says it might be evolutionarily advantageous for mosquitoes to detect and avoid such people.

Other Research
Other research includes an effort by scientists at the University of California, Riverside, who published a paper in the journal Nature last week identifying a recently discovered class of molecules that inhibit fruit flies' and mosquitoes' ability to detect carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide emissions from long ranges, so turning off the ability to detect the gas, perhaps by releasing the inhibiting molecules into the environment, may be a way of keeping the bugs at bay, the researchers suggest. Another team, at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, is launching a study into whether the taste of human skin and blood are related to the insects' interest in biting certain individuals."
Saturday, 17 October 2009Kirtland Ohio Single Adult Activity7:00 AM - 10:30 PM Columbus Stake Single Adults will take an all day Bus Tour to the LDS Church History Sites in Northern Ohio, such as:Kirtland Visitor's CenterKirtland Temple & Book StoreJohn Johnson Farm

The activity is on Saturday, October 17, 2009. The bus leaves the Gway Chapel at 7:00AM and returns at 10:30PM.Transportation is FREE!!!Only 50 seats available For tickets contact:Kay G. The deadline for reservations is October 4th.Bring your own lunch, snacks and beverages.Dinner stop on return trip at your expense. Two ($2.00) donation for Kirtland Temple Tour is payable when boarding the bus.Columbus Stake Single Adults and Seminary Age Teens with single parent are welcome.Attire is church appropriate dressy casual.

Aetna is Hiring in New Albany

I wanted to let you know that Aetna is hiring in New Albany. As far as we have been told, it could be over 100 to 300 new jobs, with the new "Aetna One Premier Health Advocate Team" - A New Department in New Albany. Some may have an option to Work At Home in the future.

Go to, then click on "About Aetna", then "Careers". Put in New Albany.

Right now they are hiring "Health Concierge" Customer Service Reps for this new department. Soon they will hire Nurse Case Managers and Nurse Supervisors.

Brother L. from the Bishops Storehouse returned my call today. The dry pack facility is completely booked for September. Even though it will be up and running there are limitations so BE READY. Call me orlook for the sign up sheet this Sunday. I have a Hayden Run Ward Dry Pack session set for October 10th, at 8:30a.m. This is the only Saturday morning available as he does not havehelp there on any other Saturday mornings. For this Hayden Run Wardsession, there will be a sign-up sheet with space for 12+ people. If the sign up fills up before you get the sheet, don't despair. Theultimate goal for those left out would be to send your dry pack list andmoney with your home teacher or visiting teacher who is on the list! Anyone babysitting for someone on the sign up sheet should plan to sendtheir dry pack list and money along with that person also.This is a "celestial" event. We will all work together to fill all theorders, not just fill our own and leave. Plan to be there at least fourhours for dry packing and cleaning up afterward. If you sign up for thesession, please don't sleep in or not show up that morning unless it is afamily crisis! We have 20+ people in the ward interested in some seriousdry packing and I don't anticipate any other "ward" dry packing sessionthe rest of the year based on my schedule.
Dry packing as a ward group really is fun! All these details just make it seem like you're having your wisdom teeth removed all over again! Based on past experience I can testify that our Bishop looks dashing in a hairnet and has some great moves with a broom! I will need a copy of your order sheets on or before Sunday, September 27th, to follow up with Brother L. so he can make sure the products we need will be on hand for our session.If you would like to make your own arrangements with Brother L. for a dry pack session during the week in October or November or for a Saturday afternoon in October or November, that would be terrific too!
Here are the details and his cell phone number or you can also leave a message at the Bishops Storehouse and he will call you back:Mondays 12 noon to 3 p.m. open for buying product onlyno dry packing on MondaysTuesdays 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. open for buying product onlydry packing by appointment only Thursdays 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. open for buying product dry packing by appointment only.Saturdays afternoons only dry packing by appointment only.
Can't wait for our dry pack date!
Sister Dragoo
Ps. For Bro L's cell # please contact Sister D.


HaPpy BiRtHdAy tO U,
hApPy bIrThDaY tO U,
HaPpY bIrThDaY tOooo
Becky H.
Guinette I.
Tonya B.
Stephanie S.
Pam J.
Amy P.
Kimberly R.
Debbie S.
Emily H.
Tammy P.
Pat R.
Stacey M.
leesa G.
Brenda B.
Hope you day will be filled happy memories to look back at.
Have a great one!
We love you!
Brenda, Lori, Tomoko and Kirsi


The Beans and rice cooking class to be held at my home ( Lori A.) on Thursday of this week is being postponed because of family circumstances until October 22, 2009 at 12 noon. I look forward to seeing all of you then!