Friday, April 16, 2010

April Food Storage Focus - Dry Milk

APRIL - Dry Milk Storage

April 4 Come listen to a Prophet’s voice. Review and ponder this week’s General Conference talks about preparedness, provident living and food storage. Consider the latest counsel of inspired Church leaders in your quest to protect and provide for your family. Accurately inventory and assess your current dry milk storage. Store correctly in a cool, dry location to protect and preserve this invaluable calcium and protein source.

On the first Monday of each month: do this only if physically able and make sure children are excluded from the area: Carefully drain two gallons of water from your water heater into a strong bucket with a handle---it will be dangerously hot. Let the water in the bucket cool down in a closed area away from children, then discard. By doing this each month you set the stage for emergency water storage. (Refer to February water storage guidelines for information/instructions.)

April 11 Gather as a family and read Exodus 3:7-9. Using your food storage might be your “land of (dry) milk and honey” that could help deliver you from stress and bondage by freeing up grocery money to pay those unexpected car repairs, medical bills, or other financial emergencies.

No specific amount of dry milk is recommended per person. However, 16 pounds per adult is considered a basic supply. (That equals 4 cans if you dry pack it yourself at the Bishops Storehouse at a cost of less than $29.) Make sure you label, date and store any dry milk in a cool, dry location. Remember that the hot chocolate mix available from the storehouse counts as dry milk storage too! Yummy and a “premium” popular Utah brand!

April 18 Church leaders recommend that you store what you eat and eat what you store. Why store dry milk if you hate it? Money, money, money---that’s three good reasons. Think of dry milk storage like money in the bank; some for every day and some for emergencies. How about no more last minute trips to the store to get a gallon of milk? That saves time, energy and gasoline because when was the last time you left the store with just the gallon of milk you went for?

Keep a pitcher of milk made up and ice cold in your refrigerator at all times. Use it in all your recipes that call for fresh milk like mac & cheese, cream sauces and gravies, cream soups, breakfast casseroles, scrambled eggs and more. Make your own evaporated milk for marshmallow fudge and other recipes that call for it---great for a family night treat or rare indulgence on the cheap!

April 25 Read and consider Isaiah 55:1 and 2 Nephi 9:50. Having dry milk stored is like having money in your nutrition bank too! You can boost the nutritional value of almost any recipe that call for flour just by adding ¼ cup of dry milk---you don’t need to add any extra liquid for this small amount. Doing this adds a terrific punch of calcium and protein for your children’s growth and development. Good calcium for those worried about osteoporosis too!

Take a second look at your family’s favorite recipes. Without compromising taste, you can add dry milk to the dry ingredients in your baking recipes and add the equivalent water where the recipe calls for fresh milk for cornbread, muffins, wheat bread, and more.

Serve reconstituted milk in a sippy cup to transition older babies to table food. They’ll grow up never knowing the difference. Tell your toddlers and older children they can drink as much reconstituted milk as they want to---no limit! You’ll still save substantially on your grocery bill while filling them up with good stuff!

Still nervous? Still hate dry milk? Contact your food storage specialists; we’re waiting and ready to make you a dry milk believer!

Know anyone who is looking for a Great place to work? Medigold Member Services

Know anyone who is looking for a Great place to work?

The Member Services Department just received approval to post one of our much sought after and always exciting Member Service positions. If you know anyone who has excellent interpersonal skills and who enjoys working in a fast paced, motivated team environment then please direct them to the MCHS job posting site next week to apply.



Kim Ulrich

Manger Member Relations


6150 East Broad St, Suite EE320

Columbus, Ohio 43213

(614) 546-3183

Fax (614) 546-3132

Go Blue, Be Green! Community Environmental Awareness & Recycling Day

Go Blue, Be Green!

Community Environmental Awareness & Recycling Day

This just in . . . televisions and microwaves will be accepted for recycling!!

Don’t miss it! The Hilliard City Schools' District Student Advisors will host their second annual Community Environmental Awareness Day tomorrow, Saturday, April 17, 2010, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., at Hilliard Darby High School, 4200 Leppert Road. This event will offer residents of the school district a drop-off location for electronics recycling and document shredding.

In cooperation with the Hilliard EverGreen Team, Fred’s Scrapping and Shred-it, the event will offer a recycling drop-off for electronics, such as computers, monitors, televisions, microwaves, cell phones and small household appliances. A commercial shredder also will be on site for citizens to safely dispose of personal documents.

In addition, the student advisors will provide an educational festival to share information about recycling and “green” living. The festival will include music, games, exhibits and the opportunity for a fun-filled day of learning.

Spirit of Safety Day - A FREE day of fun for all ages. May 15, 2010 9AM - 3PM at the Joint Safety Services Building

From: []
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 2:50 PM
Subject: Community Message: Spirit of Safety Day - A FREE day of fun for all ages. May 15, 2010 9AM - 3PM at the Joint Safety Services Building

Community Message has been issued by the Hilliard Division of Police.

Friday April 16, 2010 2:49 PM EDT

Spirit of Safety Day - A FREE day of fun for all ages. May 15, 2010 9AM - 3PM at the Joint Safety Services Building

“Spirit of Safety Day”

A FREE day of fun for all ages!

May 15, 2010
9AM – 3PM
Joint Safety Services Building
5171 / 5181 Northwest Parkway

Everyone is welcome to the first annual “Spirit of Safety Day” to be held on Saturday, May 15, 2010 from 9AM – 3PM at the new Joint Safety Services Building by the Franklin County Fairground.

This fun filled day for all ages is a collaborative effort by the Hilliard Police Department and the Norwich Township Fire Department to provide education on important safety issues as well as showcase services available to the Hilliard Community. We feel it is important to let our friends and families know we care about their safety and welfare!

The Norwich Township Fire Department will be featuring awesome events such as Rope Repelling and Vehicle Extrication to allow our residents to see first hand the life saving expertise our fire fighters have. In addition, they are providing important health services such as blood pressure checks, glaucoma screening, and glucose checks. By hosting a wide variety of agencies such as Mount Carmel, Alzheimer’s, American Red Cross, and much more, residents will be able to find where they can turn to for health and safety issues.

The Hilliard Division of Police will feature the Firearms Training Simulator which will allow adults to experience some police training first hand. The K-9 unit will be have demonstrations; the Detective Bureau will provide interesting information to show how to harden our community against criminals, and the “A.I.” team will let you see into the world of accident investigations. Homeland Security, Franklin County Children’s Services and many other agencies will be on hand to provide valuable information.

Let the children experience…
How to put out a fire first hand;
Learn how to dial 911 with a real police/fire dispatcher;
See what happens to an egg when he doesn’t wear his seatbelt;
Learn what to do in case of a fire in the safety house;
Ride a bicycle safely at the bicycle rodeo and have their bicycle helmets adjusted;
Talk to McGruff the crime dog;
Have some popcorn and watch a movie; and so much more.

If that isn’t enough, have a bite to eat, take a station tour, see the Med Flight helicopter and don’t forget to dispose of unwanted medications properly at the D.U.M.P. location. Safety can be fun – enjoy a day with your safety services family!

For full details, go to

Contact Information:

Hyda Slone

Community Relations
