Saturday, June 6, 2009

Welcome to Our New Blog Space!

Hey Everyone,
Welcome to our new blog space Jump In Too. This is an unofficial Hayden Run Relief Society blog. We hope you like your stay while on our blog pages. You'll find information on upcoming events and events from the past in diary form. You are able to add your thoughts in comment form to the blogs as well. We hope many will comment and leave their imprint here. We hope we can feel more a part of things that are going on in RS despite our busy lives.We hope to use this as one way of communicating and maybe even eliminating the e-mail messages which we could still use in urgent cases. We hope to share recipes, activities, tips and spread love around. The reason I chose the whale in the ocean is that it is an endangered species. Likewise in human relationships, faith, love and caring for one another are endangered if those qualities are not nurtured. Also another reason is that these creatures live in a beautiful environment. Likewise we share the same space, we have been provided with a beautiful place to inhabit, a planet that offers all the things we need much like the ocean does for whales. Why don't we be free spirits like the whale and jump in too and enjoy the pod of friends and friends-to-be. The ocean awaits! For those a little shyer about jumping in, you have the pier in the Harbor to stand on and watch until you feel right about jumping in too to join us! Come on, it'll be fun!


  1. Dearest Relief Society Presidency!

    This is the most awesome idea ever!! Thank you very much!!


  2. Thank You! We are happy know you enjoy it! It makes our day!:)
    Brenda, Margo, Lori and Kirsi
